I am already crying and all I wrote so far was the TITLE! November 3rd is a day that I will always treasure in my heart!! THAT is the day that we very first were contacted about our sweet baby boy NOAH!!!! :) Today is 1 YEAR from that day! What a difference a YEAR can make! A year ago today Noah was a dream in our hearts, a picture on a screen, a PRAYER waiting for God to answer! WOW! TODAY he is napping beside me to get rest up for his belated First Birthday Party!!!! I can't even begin to express all the emotions I am feeling today. First and Foremost is that WE HAVE A BIG BIG GOD! A GOOD GOD! A GOD WHO LOVES US AND CARES ABOUT THE THINGS WE WANT! I am still in awe when I look over the last year at ALL God did to SHOW OFF and bridge an ocean to bring Noah HOME!!! :) I really am just cryin in just awe and gratitude and amazement that it has happend. A year ago my flesh was so scared that it couldn't possibly be real, that he couldn't really be MY BABY! Would it work out? WHERE would be get the money? Can I be a good enough mom that he deserves? Lots of thoughts, lots of fears. But just knowing that he was "hard to place" just made me want to fight all the more! WHAT IS wrong with people that they only want a "perfect" baby! Give me a break. Even what appears to be a perfect baby now who knows years from now. PRAISE God I don't have to be perfect for my Heavenly Father to WANT me and use me in his kingdom!! I am so thankful that my sweet boy was not snatched up before he was offered to us! I can't imagine my life without it being touched by this amazing creature!
THEN!!! The first glance I ever had of MY BABY BOY!!!!!!!
I'm off to finish cake and cupcakes! I WILL be back later with pics from the party! Noah's up and I want to snuggle him before I have to share with all Bobby's family!
hugs and Kisses in the wind to ALL from Me and MY BABY BOY!