Never forget, for a single minute you didn't grow under my heart, but in it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Waking up in Taiwan! :) delayed post
Hello all :)
Well we are in Tainan, Taiwan so close to our sweet Panda boy! :) I can't WAIT to have Noah in my arms! We are 22 and a half hours away from when we will be at St. Lucy Center INSIDE the building to hold our sweet little panday boy. I pray Noah is being somehow prepared by God in his little spirit for all that is to come! :)
We awoke this morning in our wonderful hotel! :) I love it here :) the quilt and pillow are amazing! I really need to see about these bed pillows!! I LOVE THEM :) We went downstairs to the breakfast buffet that is HUGE and amazing and part of our cost for the room. Not a continental breakfast at all. It was amazing with tons of foods from multiple lands. We met my dear sweet adoption bloggy friend Jackie and her hubby Jeff for breakfast! It was so neat to meet her after all these months of reading about her and her family :) I have read her blog even before we found Noah! :) They are such neat people and we had a wonderful time together :) Feels like I have known Jackie my whole life! It is great to share and visit and our stories are different but it is so neat to see how our babies are so ours and how they fit our life experiencs and such with little details from our backgrounds and theirs! :) We loved our time with them and look forward to more time throughout the next few days in our time here in Taiwan! :) Here is a picture slide show of us from the morning of flight day till Sunday night. I will do a new one when we have pics of getting Noah!
NOAH BABY BOY! We are HERE HONEY! Mommy and Daddy stood outside your orphanage today and it was so hard not to bust in and say let me hold my son! :) we were so close to you sweetie. Our hotel is not too far from you. Just rest sweet panda boy and know Mommy is so close and I am sending you kisses in the wind from the same town!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
NOAH here we come Panda Boy!!!!
MOMMY to Celeste and NOAH! :)
Mommy and Daddy are on our way to get you little man! We love you more than you can possibly know and we can't wait to hold you in our arms! :) I am blowing you one last set of kisses in the wind Panda Boy! VERY SOON I will be giving you kisses in person.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Well, We are so incredibly close now! :) We drove away from Church for the LAST time without Noah! :) It is so wonderful and God is so cool! :) I can't believe that in 12 hours we will be at the airport! :) YIPEE!! CAN YOU BELIEVE I OF ALL PEOPLE AM SAYING YIPPEEE? lol I am doing pretty good with things. Every once in a while I have my heart leap in my throat and think OH MY GOSH I AM GETTING ON A PLANE! then I calm down! I KNOW God is Able and will be riding with us! THANK YOU JESUS! :) Please lift a prayer for me that I can do this and enjoy it and not be so fightend that I miss all the fun and the adventure Daddy God is taking me on!
I wanted to share a couple things with y'all. Below you will see AL! Al is Noah's friend! heehee A wonderful sweet teen friend from Church made it her goal to win AL for Noah in a raffle the homeschool group had! :) Meghan is such a dear and so near to my heart! We had a blase traveling together last summer when we took Celeste to school! Meghan has the honor of being the first teenager to get to hold Noah! :) Anyway, this sweetie bought raffle ticket upon raffle ticket with money she earned herself! :) And her mission was successful! Meghan's middle name is Alma so the name for this was easy! I present you with AL!
AL Sisemore! :)
Here is Meghan! :) Thank You Meghan for loving Noah so much! :)
We also received some new pictures of our Noah today! What a wonderful gift right before we leave to go and get that little Panda Boy! So I thought I would post the new pictures as well as the youngest picture we have of Noah! :)
Noah WesLee Sisemore 5 months old!
Noah WesLee Sisemore 16 months old!
Isn't he the most adorable thing!!! :)
Gotta love that face!!! :)
I am off to finish packing. Making sure our paperwork is in order, gathering copies of paperwork to leave with folks here and making itenerary's for folks here to pray and all and know where we will be when! :) I will try and post once more tomorow. We have to go to the bank and the DMV! EEEK My lisence expired! and then be at the Church at 11 am to be taken to airprot to wait for the flight! :) So excited and laying down fear!
Noah little man, we are on our way tomorow! Catch my kisses in the wind tonight my sweet man! I love you!
Dedicated to my First child! :)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Packing and care packages :) heeheee
Well, better scoot :)
Pics follow
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Gracyn and Tiff and 1 week to this minute Jackie and US
Well Right this minute 9pm central time Sunday night = 10 am Taiwan time Monday Morning Tiff should have Gracyn in her arms!! :) They are meeting RIGHT NOW!!! :) And Exactly a week to the minute from now LUCY will be in Jackie's arms and NOAH will be in mine! :) Can you believe it? After 11 months for Jackie and 10 for us! The time is coming finally! :) So excited for all of us. I can't wait to see pics of Tiff and Gracyn :) and to witness Jackie finally pick up Taiwan Lucy and to experience Noah's little body in my arms. To smell his sweet baby smell and nuzzle his sweet neck and just LOOK at him and watch him sleep and play and eat and just be with him FOREVER! Wow! I have been thinking ALOT about Noah's birth mother lately and the choices she may or may not have had. I found this song on You tube and it is uncanny how alot of it fits our situation as Noah's Birthmother was 16. And as I look at him I see Bobby's mouth and such so anyway I know she will never hear or see this but this is for Noah's birthmother
Now I have to time this so I hit send so it comes at EXACTLY 9pm my time :) heehee
Noah Mommy loves you baby boy! I pray Mrs. Tiff gets to hug you and talk to you a minute :) Hang on Panda Boy just a little while longer and catch my kisses in the wind for ONE more week!
Last Sunday going to Church without Noah
We are up and ready to head out the door to our last Church Service (in the states anyway) without Noah! I am so excited we have hit this milestone! :) It is a very special service as well as we are attending service in the building that was our church for years before God moved us to a new building and now we have a Spanish Mission in that Building. Today is the anniversary of the spanish Church beginning and our first Sunday in new building. Our Pastor is preaching at the old Building and the 2 Church Bodies will worship as one! :) And cookout to follow! :) We are praying to find a Church in Tianan to attend next Sunday the day before NOAH :)
hugs to all
Noah honey,
We are coming so soon Panda Boy :) Catch my kisses in the wind! LOVE YOU Panda Boy!
AND NOW THE WAIT FOR JEREMIAH IS OVER TOO!!! April 1, 2009~ June 7, 2010 First committed to Jeremiah~Jeremiah in our Arms!
The FIRST Picture we EVER saw!
Noah WesLee 5 months old
The First Picture we ever saw of:

Jeremiah Harold Sisemore ~1 year

Kisses in the Wind
I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams.
You are here each day with me, at least that's how it seems.
I know you wonder where we are... what's taking us so long.
But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.
Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God hold you in His hand until I can be with you.
I promise you, my darling, I'm doing all that I can do.
Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend.But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.
And let the angels bring the kisses that I sent to you each night.