The Climb!
I felt like I needed to share a bit with yall! Last night we finally heard back from Pathways for Little Feet and the news was mixed. Basically they want to help us out with a no interest loan BUT we would have to have a cosigner! Wow! Talk about a mix of emotions. Ok, so up to a $7,500 loan was in our grasp BUT it wasn't. So, this meant lots of prayer and looking at things. We had prayed if God wanted us to get that loan that they would approve us and they didn't. Sooo, that must mean God has another way HE is planning to do this without us going into debt and adding another monthly payment. It may be that we are going to NEED whatever that payment would have been for things that Jeremiah and Noah might need. Perhaps something medically for Jeremiah or something! I don't know but GOD does! I see through a glass dimly but HE sees all! So yes is a way I am disappointed because it means we don't have that $7500 right now to have waiting for when the judge says come! BUT, I KNOW that God has it under control and I have so much to learn in all this! It really is about the climb up the mountain and over it and then climbing back down! Do I know where the rest of the money is coming from NO! Do I know for sure how much we need? NO, because we do not know the date for sure, IF it is after May the airline will be more. BUT God knows it all. We will continue to work and fundraise and PRAY for Good Wishes, PRAY for folks to bid in our next auction, Pray for grants for travel, pray for sponsorship of nights in our hotels, Pray for it all. And be open to learn what we are to learn in the climb! We have already had signs of God moving to bring the funds in :) Our 100 Good Wishes Page already has 7 Good Wises and $95 in donations! A friend Stormy in Arizona had a bake sale for us today and raised $50! The Pampered Chef free mercandise came in so I can begin working on the next auction, and I had a brand new watch donated to the auction, I have had several things mentioned for donations for the next auction! God is going to make a way :) I just need to figure out a way to get the word out more about this next one! We have a Red Beans and Rice with Sausage Plate lunch sale coming up this Thursday and I am prayerful it will have a good amount of plates sold! :) I have heard from one person whose jar is filling up to a great amount in the save your change...Change Jeremiah's life and was told that a check would be coming soon for what they had saved and it is not even Jeremiah's birthday yet! :) Our family was featured on
Storing up treasures and that gets te word out to more folks to pray for Jeremiah! There are so many things that have happend and so many way s I have been blessed during tis climb! There have been some not so pleasant things that to this day still make me sad that have happend as a result of our journey to Jeremiah but even in the painful things I have learned! I wish I could say I was a woman of great faith and did not ever doubt, ever fear, ever worry WHERE are we gonna get it all, BUT I would be lying if I said that. I have had so many doubts and fears. You would think I would learn NOT to go there but I still do :( I am constantly comforted by my Lord showing off! :) There is no doubt that God wanted this little boy to be part of us because we could NOT have done this without the Lord! In EVERY way we know GOD has and is doing it! :) I find myself NOT giving God te glory as I should in all of this and I find I get busy in the things of life and fundraising and paperwork and such and I dont include God in what we are doing and I think part of this climb is about me remembering that I am not alone in this, that God does love me even though I do not desrve it, that God blesses me with children even though I do not desrve it! Even though! I find myself remembering some things spoken over me back in the early months of my marriage when month afer month we were not pregnant with the biological child we planned to have before we started adopting. It was spoken that I would be the happy mother of children! YUP! It was spoken that I would have the children of my heart! YUP! They have grown in my heart and came through an agnecy named HEARTSENT! humm interesting!

I could go on but I think you get the idea! I am beginning a Bible study this week called Be anxiious for noting! Timing for this is so good! We could get first decree tomorow and be told to be in Taiwan in 3 weeks and I have no clue HOW we would do it! Granted I do NOT think that is going to happen though for Jeremiah's benefit it would be nice! But the point is I just don't know when tey will say come and I HAVE to trust that we will be ready when its time! I am beginning to worry a bit about Jeremiah's needs and how I will do with meeting them and being the mother he needs and all. And feeling like I have let him down by taking so long. BUT I have to trust!!! So I will do my Be anxious for nothing study and I will trust and CLIMB!