Yesterday was our 6 year Gotcha Day! September 8, 2008 was some day!! :) I will NEVER forget it! I still can't believe it has been SIX YEARS since my amazing
Panda Boy was placed in my arms!!! And at the same time it feels like he has
always been here!! I am overwhelmed with gratitude that the Lord would entrust
me with this little Taiwan Treasure! God knew exactly what He was
doing! Sometimes we pray and pray and beg for things and we think we KNOW what
we want and how we want, but HE has the perfect plan. Bobby and I had a plan!
We "planned" to have babies by birth and then adopt a ton of kids
after that, children with special needs that needed us and that we needed but
after going through pregnancy and birth together first. If OUR plan had
happened I would not have either of my sons because we would NOT have been
ready when they were ready! Having to have my hysterectomy that I thought was
the worst thing to ever happen to me and that I would NEVER survive ended up
being the springboard to us being able to answer God's call to our Noah in
Taiwan and later our Jeremiah. THANK YOU LORD for your answers always being
perfect even when I do not see it!

Then and now :)
Gotcha Days through the years :) Drives me nuts we do not have a pic of the 3 of us together 2013 :(
To celebrate we went out for Chinese which Noah loves to do :) Aunt Pam and Nannie joined up for the evening. Big sis Celeste had to work till past Noah's bedtime and could not join us :(
a few pics from Gotcha Evening :)
Jeremiah was in a good mood at his big brother's gotcha night :) and the super moon on the way home :)
I am so thankful for the gift of my Noah! ;)
And for those who would like to see the Gotcha moment again or for the first time :) Here is a link to a video that has gotcha moment in it at about 4:35 :)