Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone; but, still miraculously, my own.
Never forget, for a single minute you didn't grow under my heart, but in it.
Never forget, for a single minute you didn't grow under my heart, but in it.

Friday, June 11, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
hell from Taipei!!!! LONG BUT GOOD!
hello from Taipei :) I am on my laptop without the external keyboard so unless I cut and paste h I do not ave it. Well, it as taken me forever to get a cance to post so I will ave to post wit no h for te most part or tis may never make it up ere! lol First of all ere is a video of part of te news conference/Going away party tat St. Lucy Center (Te orpanage) did for us. In tis video tey are singing to Jeremia and us :)
I ave so wanted to get on and sare and sare about our Gotca day experience and more. We are dealing wit illness now of everyone except Daddy so oter tan snippets ere and tere from my pone I ave not been able to get on muc. I tink yesterday was te first day in ISTORY I did not get on te computer at all even for a second! course I sent an update to facebook by pone but for e tat is weird. Anyway to gotca day
It was so amazing to go back to SLC! We felt rigt at ome te minute we got out of te taxi! Wic tougt we allowed so muc extra time made it rigt tere really quick and we were an our early! LOL were going to wait outside and Jessica came out to us aving a fit to see Noa! :) Se was like its fine its fine and took us on up to ter room wit te famous green couc! :) eeee It was so wonderful to be back and it was really funny because as we walked in Noa let go of my and and ran into te room! like e remembered it or sometin! We spent some time wit folks coming in and out to see Noa! Tey were trilled to see im! :) Mei Cun t etranslator arrived and ten Sister Terese arrived! Se is like te ead of Good Seperd sisters tat is over St. Lucy's! Se is amazing!!!! ILOVE er to deat! Se visited wit us on and off at lengt trougout te day. I will say se as a bigger eart for orpans tan any woman I ave ever met! Se said tat se and I sared te same eart! I would agree wit tat! :) It was wonderful. Anyway, in just a bit Celeste says, Mommy I saw a lady walk by and saw a flas of green, I tink e may be coming! Now tis is still early so we were not sure but got ready in case and ten all of a sudden in te door tey came wit im!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My eart stood still upon sigt! Spring Peac brougt im in and immediatly flipped over NOA :) Se got down to see im and sow im is broter :) All te nannies were amazing to Noa and I can so see ow muc e and Jeremia bot were loved tere :) Actually tourout te day volunteers and oters came for te express purpose to tell Jeremia bye or to see Noa cuz tey eard e would be tere! :) It was awesome! Tey gave Jeremia to Bobby first because Noa got a bit nervous and wanted me to old im and so once I picked im up spring peac laid Jeremia in Bobby's arms! e was socked! :) it was so sweet! e ten put im in my arms! My sweet angel is sooo rigid :( My eart broke te minute I touced im but I know tat we can work ard to relax tose muscles some :) Anyway it was amazing te entire time and after a bit Sister exused erself to give us time wit im ourselves and said se would see us later! at one point te door opens and in walks a lady wo used to come and play wit Noa and se walks in, calls is cinese name and e turns and RUNS INTO ER ARMS! I was FLOORED! We ave tried using is cinese name on and off and e does not resond, and oters ad used it tat day and noting, but tis woman comes in and tat append! Bobby tins someting subconsicouly remembrerd er! AFter te intial ug and all e was more reserved wit er! it was interesting.
Anyway, we ad been told tat tere were be reporters and after getting tere we were told tat a party was planned as well. WE ad NO CLUE wat we were in store for. Tey take us over to te meeting room and tere are TONS of reporters, camera's, video camera's and oter people. It was wild! Tey ad us sit a bit and te owner of St. Lucy spoke to reporters and ten staff sang to Jeremia and a video was played for reporters wic I am uploading on one true mdia now and will put up soon. ten tey put us in cairs across te front and asked me to sare about adoption and our eart and ow we came to want Jeremia and suc! I tougt I would die! LOL but once I opened my mout it went fine! We were able to sare all God as done :) It was suc an amazing time of blessing. After I talked bobby did a bit and ten tey asked questions and suc. Ten it was just party time :) students from medical scool came to meet and tank us and say buy to Jeremia, all te nannies were tere ( I kept wondering WO was watcing t ebabies! LOL I guess oter volunteers! We met so many volunteers tat elped wit Jeremia and loved im and everyone was so sweet. We were given gifts from Sister, and from so many of te volunteers and all. I still dont get tere, tey gave us te biggest gift on te planet wen tey gave us Jeremia! but tey were giving more gifts??? Dont get tat! We were blessed beyond imagination!!! My eart for St. Lucy Center grew more and more te longer we were tere! And not just because tey were giving us gifts and being so amazing to us , but just getting to know tem and tere eart more and more! Tey are angels of God!! I told tem I know we will be back someday! I just knew in my eart we would be! I ave no clue wen, wy or ow. I dont know if it will be anoter adoption or a visit but I just know it.
Tere is sos muc more I could sare about te day but I worry for going so long and I need to sare about te next day too so I will go on. Te next morning Jessica came in a van from St. Lucy's and picked us up and we went to te ospital to meet Jeremia's doctor. e spoke very good englis and we were able to talk to im and learn many more details about Jeremia. Also we were able to get a prescription for a rescue ting on te off cance Jeremia as a prolonged seizure on te airplane! It is like a rectal suppository ting and it is suppose to stop it. tat is neat to ave so I dont worry as muc. Te news from te doctor was grim and sad. We knew tat Jeremia ad "Severe Cerebral Palsy and Visaul Dysfunction" but did not know exactly wat all tat would mean. According to Jeremia's doctor Jeremia is as bad as it gets. e is totally blind (toug we TINK e is seeing some ligt, but doc says e can't) and we now know is type of cp. e as "Spastic Quadriplegic level 4 Cerebral Palsy, As bad as it gets) e as Seizures, e is blind from brain damage, e as severe ypertonia over truck and all 4 limbs. We love tis baby no matter wat. Tsi doctor basically does not ting Jeremia will ever walk, talk, or ave any self care of any kind. I ave cried my eyes out over tis, NOT because I will not love im even if ta tis wat appens, but because I so ace for im and wat e may miss. I found myself yesterday just staring at im and bawling and bawling. Now, I am a woman of fait and I KNOW MY GOD is ABLE to eal Jeremia completely if tat is wat God cooses to do, I also know tat God's ways are perfect and unknown to me. It may be God can use Jeremia more for te kindgom witout totally earling im. I dont know. I DO know tat God allowed Jeremia to be born and to live wen by medical science e sould not ave. I KNOW God as a purpose for Jeremia! I just need to elp Jeremia be te best e can be and find it! I am at suc a loss of ow to play wit im, ow to include im. I am doing all I can at tis point and praying alot. I want im to ave enjoyement in life. My eart urts for im so. Jeremia's developmental testing ave im on one as a 3 mont old and anoter as a 1 and alf mont old. Not sure wic is wic but basically e is like a newborn in a 2 year olds body and a small one at tat! e is tiny! Te size 2 diapers I brougt swallow im. Te tabs over lap completely! Te 12 monts clotes are all big on im :) I am pretty sure 9 mont clotes will fit im, not positive but it looks tat way. e is LONG toug and as big feet :) lol ere are a few pics for yall :) I will try to get on tonigt and post some more but I am pusing it tis long. I am soo incredibly appy to ave my baby boy finally! :) Noa loves im to deat and is a GREAT big broter! Please keep our sickness in prayer. Enjoy te pics
After bat :) first nigt :) in t ematcing jammas :)
Jei Jei and er "lovey"
Panda Boy and Frogie boy :)
Ready for AIT!
Monday, June 7, 2010
WE'VE GOT JEREMIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick post for now :) WE'VE got Jeremia!!! I will post one picture for now on ere and try to get te video up later of te gotca moment and oter tins. I will put some pics on facebook and more ere as I can. Jeremia is very severe and does not appear to be seeing at all :( Praying for tat to improve. I will post more wen I am not tryin to wrestle a squirmy noa and Jeremia!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
less tan 2 ours
in LESS tan 2 ours we will ave Jeremia in our arms!!!!! GOD IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leaving ere in a taxi in about 30 minutes or so
Jeremia my sweet frogie boy. Mommy is beside erself we will meet today toug in my eart I ave known you all tis time :) I AM COMING JEREMIA! For one last time... Catc my kisses in te wind!
Jeremia my sweet frogie boy. Mommy is beside erself we will meet today toug in my eart I ave known you all tis time :) I AM COMING JEREMIA! For one last time... Catc my kisses in te wind!
frustrating and funny...
So we laid down to take a nap and set a timer to get up and go to dinner buffet downstairs, well we ALL slept troug te timer goind off till 11:15 pm ere. I am frantic tryin to get everyting done and ready for in te morning now! But te buffet is over so we call to see wat our options are for food at tis time, room service is it! EEEK :( NOT in te plan. so splitting 2 club sandwices between us all and tey are not as big as back ome, but more expensive tan back ome and tasty after taking off te tings we dont like. lol Bobby sirt and pants were sent to be pressed cuz of travel and all and ty were to bring back by 7pm. So we get up at 11.15 and I am freaking cuz e AS to ave tat for tomorow. Well, tey ad brougt in t eroom and ung in closet wile we were sleeping. Te look on our faces wen te lady came up ere to sow us was funny funny! kinda freaky tey were in our room wile we were asleep. anyway... pray for little Jeremia as e sleeps is last nigt in an orpanage bed. I am soo overwelmed tat we are finally ere and e is finally gonna be wit us! YIPPPEEEE....
until tomorow..for most up to date news follow me on facebook :)!/tamijoy.sisemore
until tomorow..for most up to date news follow me on facebook :)!/tamijoy.sisemore
We are in Jeremia's city!
Just a quick ello :) We made it safely to Taiwan, TANK YOU JESUS and ten took te train down to Jeremia's city and are all cecked into our otel!!! and I ave tankfully ad a sower! I got BEYOND sick on te dallas to LAX fligt and literally was sick all over myself and ad to travel for ours and ours witout being able to bate. Bobby bougt me anoter sirt at LAX toug it is a mans sirt, didnt fit and i ated it but I wore it and we andwased te sirt I ad but course no sower till all te way till today. Te fligt from LAX to TAipei was muc better toug I was definitly nauseaous and feeling yucky still but not vommiting. And tere was some turbulance ere and tere but up until we got to Japan not too bad. Japan it got scary but not as bad as Noa's trip tank God. I ave decided I do not like Japan or flying between it and taiwan. I am about to keep over as I type tis from pure exaustion. We are gonna all lay down and nap before going to supper. ere are a few pics now, Will try to put up more later :) Also be cecking my facebook as tere will be more over tere because tey are so quick to upload all at one time I can get more up quickly. it is ere :!/tamijoy.sisemore!/tamijoy.sisemore
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THE WAIT FOR NOAH IS OVER!!!! November 3, 2007~September 8, 2008 First heard about Noah~Noah in our Arms!
AND NOW THE WAIT FOR JEREMIAH IS OVER TOO!!! April 1, 2009~ June 7, 2010 First committed to Jeremiah~Jeremiah in our Arms!
AND NOW THE WAIT FOR JEREMIAH IS OVER TOO!!! April 1, 2009~ June 7, 2010 First committed to Jeremiah~Jeremiah in our Arms!
The FIRST Picture we EVER saw!
Noah WesLee 5 months old
The First Picture we ever saw of:

Jeremiah Harold Sisemore ~1 year

Kisses in the Wind
I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams.
You are here each day with me, at least that's how it seems.
I know you wonder where we are... what's taking us so long.
But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.
Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God hold you in His hand until I can be with you.
I promise you, my darling, I'm doing all that I can do.
Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend.But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.
And let the angels bring the kisses that I sent to you each night.
I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams.
You are here each day with me, at least that's how it seems.
I know you wonder where we are... what's taking us so long.
But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.
Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God hold you in His hand until I can be with you.
I promise you, my darling, I'm doing all that I can do.
Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend.But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.
May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.
And let the angels bring the kisses that I sent to you each night.