Here is Uncle Wesley takin a break to play with his newest nephew and namesake! The WES in WesLee is after him! :)

Noah is so intrigued by Uncle Wesley. Celeste did not get it on film but he would just look at Wes's beard and almost touch it and then pull back! dont know if he has seen a bearded man till now! heehee

Here is Jei Jei (Celeste) playin with Noah! He is eatin it up ! Check out the 40+ year old jammas! They were my brothers, then mine, then Jei Jei's and now NOAH's! The bottoms snap on to the top! :) I love em :) They make Noah look so much longer than he is!

Here is Mr. Noah today playin in the shelf he thinks is built for him! :) He is so stinkin cute! :)
Noah had his 2nd eval today for the Early Steps program and it went VERY well! It was very evident how much he has blossomed since the last eval shortly after coming home! Things he could not do then he excelled at today! :) They were VERY sweet and VERY complimentary of me to the point she asked me IF I was a therapist. When I told her nope, just a mom, she told me how I was what Noah needed someone to stay home with him and work with him and all! She said all I had been doing was VERY good and keep it up. Even said I SHOULD BECOME A THERAPIST! She said the little bit of signing I was doing with Noah was VERY good and to do it more and more. Sign everything she said. I need a signing for babies book or something! I know some things but not enough. She said since he is very in to takin things in and out and openin and closing things to really use those signs and keep up with chew and more and such like I have been! The best news is that the last time he had the eval they said his developmental age was 9 months. Today she said not counting speech she would say about 13 months! That is a huge jump in just a few weeks! Especially since he has not even begun early intervention. They will have a meeting and do some grading of everything and let me know if he gets into the program. She and the first lady both said they think the program would really help him but they can't just put him in cuz they want to, they have to grade this stuff and go by the thing or whatever to make the decision. he may have improved too much for the program. She said even if he does not make it in the program to still find a speech therapist at the very least! She seemed to think he will someday talk. Of course it is fine either way but boy do I want to hear him say mama so badly! She asked me if his parents were able to speak and it occured to me that I had NEVER thought to even ask that! I do have video of the birth mother with Noah and she never says a word , she is rockin him and such and strokin his back but doesnt say a word. I need to see if I can find out if she and the birth father and grandmother and all that are challenged were able to speak. They sais I really need to know that. It is so odd to me all the things I should have asked and at the time I just could think of NOTHING to ask :( The pediatrician wants to know family history of any diseases, cancers etc and of course I have no idea. What was I thinkin when I had the opportunity to ask the social workers questions??
I am praying about putting together a small scrapbook as a gift to the birth mother for Christmas. Just a way for them to kinda see Noah in his new home and all and see how he is doin and such! I want to get something for her to go along with it. Any ideas from any BTDT adoptive mamas??
Well, I better scoot and get done on here and try and sleep before Noah wakes up. He wakes up on and off ALL night long. I worry that we still have such problems at night after he has been with us a month now. He cries out and thrashes in his sleep so much. Bobby wonders if he has always done this.
WE send you blessings and kisses in the wind!