Hi All!
I am working on a video of all our Easter and pre-Easter activities but wanted to go ahead and show you a few shots of some of our Easter. Easter is so much fun with a little one in the house again and my amazing and cuddly Noah makes is so much more wonderful :) Noah made this Easter the BEST Easter Ever!

This is Noah's baskets :) heehee He has the basketball one that we got last year when he was in Taiwan and then the bucket was for the Playgroup easter egg hunt and the pail is just because he loves to tote things in things! :) Anyway, this is what he woke up to on Easter Morning :) He was so cute as he would take out his bunny with the cross and his lamb he would kiss them and hand them to me and keep going! He learned at the playgroup hunt that their is candy in eggs so he was lookin for them! :) heehee

Here he is going after it all! :) He loves books and you can see he went straight for the book. It is a neat one that has 100 Bible Stories and 100 songs to go with them :) He had mainly reeses candy cuz he can eat that with no trouble and he had some peeps! I had to break them off but he ate them good :) He also had some peeps that had bubbles in them and some ducks with bubbles. We love bubbles! :) He is still goin around the house with the bucket and empty plastic eggs! HE LOVES IT! :) he takes them in, takes them out! lol :)

This is Jeremiah's little basket! :) the bunny inside the bigger green basket is actually a basket but we put it inside the green one cuz it was bigger :) inside the bunny basket is a yellow chicky rattle that is a chick head that goes out into a blanket and the rattle is in the head. Hard to expain but there ya have it. Jeremiah is a year old but they said he has Visual dysfunction so we thougth his other sences will be heightend and so we thought the sound of the chicky rattle and the feel of the blanket would be things he would enjoy! Also in the basket is his first blanket :) It is baby blue and green and it has pooh bear on it! :) Could not find one with frogs! I hope to send it in a care package when we can. I know that my friend Jackie's baby Lucy had a blanket they sent and the orphanage stitched her name on it and she still had it when they picked her up! I thought that would be great for Jeremiah to have it now and then it would be familiar to take with us when we go and get him! It is made just like the blankets that Noah loves loves! :)

Trying to get a shot so you can see the pooh on the blanket. Also has some little turtles on it.

Here is a shot of Panda Boy with a bunch of eggs! :) He is so into Easter eggs :) heehee

And here we are eating our first ever REESES EGG! This is like a BIG deal in our family! :) LOOK AUNT KELLY! :) heehee It is not EASTER without REESES EGGS! :) Check out the eyes! heehee

So here you have the much fought for Easter Picture of the Family Four! LOL This was hard to come by with 2 moms who neither like nor can figure out digital cameras, and a squirmy uncooperative almost 2 year old! :) heehee This is the best of the bunch! There is an amazing shot that Noah was smiling in that we couldnt wait to look on the camera and see but all our heads were chopped off! LOL so much for a smiling picture! :) Gotta Love Moms! :)

Here we are our VERY FIRST time ever to dye Easter Eggs! :) Isn't he adorable?? :) He was so into this :) He watched the other kids at our friends house and he was beggin to do some before it was over with ! :)

And here we are eating our Angeled Egg (deviled eggs for Easter) heehee! He LOVED them! :) Course I have yet to find a way this boy won't eat an egg!

So the hunt begins with lots of paparazzi! :) heehee There were like 4 cameras going the whole time! :) Some old friends we had not seen in a good while invited us over to share an egg hunt and then do Ressurection eggs and meal and all that so we headed on over and a wonderful time was had by all! :) Noah is very into hunting eggs! :)

Isn't he so cute :)

I love this shot with him holding the bucket that way and looking back over his shoulder :) He was funny cuz if the eggs were in grass that had to touch his hand to get them, he would NOT pick it up! lol

Watching the big guys!

Heading with daddy to find the one last egg by the steps! :)

Sitting in mama's lap and playing with eggs listening to Ressurection eggs and the telling of the Easter Story! :)
God is so amazing! It was an amazing day! We were blessed to be able to attend a community Church here in our town for the first time Easter and God was very sweet to us and spoke to us even in the music! Noah was so cute. They had big lights up way high and he would just look and look at them! :) And sometimes point! He also had a HUGE word for Easter! And it was NOT just us that heard it but ALL who were sitting close by! So we know he said it.. Everytime anyone would say Hallelujah he would say his version of it. Kinda haduya lol! It was adorable! :) The lady in front kept turnin around and grinnin at him! :) I wish I had it on Video but I fear the pastor might have taken offence to me pulling out the camera! heehee Please keep our family in prayer as we seek God! We are searching for a new Church home and this Church here in our little town is a good possibility but we want to make sure this is the place God says go.. They have wonderful programs for every member of our household and that is so neat and being close will be wonderful change too :) Please check out our Target Gift Card Giveaway and Baby Blessings giveway fundraisers on the side bar! Pray that God will open up the floodgates of funds to get our little Jeremiah home!
Jeremiah my amazing froggy boy! :) Mama and Daddy and Gege and Jei jei love you so much! We are so thankful that this is the LAST Easter we will spend without you honey. We thought about you so much as we do every day! Mama is doing all she can to learn all she needs to in order to be the BEST mama to you little man! We are fundraising so hard and praying even harder for God to SHOW OFF even more to help us bring you home! :) There are already so many people who just can't wait to see you and help you to be all you can be! Hang on little baby. Mama is coming! And I send you BIG BIG KISSES IN THE WIND!