So I have pictures I was going to post today and then got a GLORIOUS email from Heartsent! So now I have even more to post! :) I love it when I get an email from them and see the picture attached symbol next to it! I can't get it open fast enough then! :) And then the LONG wait for it to download and open! But oh then you look upon the face of your baby! :) Since I do not have pictures as often to post of my youngest since he is all the way in Taiwan I will start with Jeremiah! :)
Isn't he beautiful?!! :) He has such an angelic face! I love this shot of him sleeping! This was taken August 14th and it says 3:30 pm. I am assuming that is Taiwan time!
This one was taken the same day at 10:28 am So I can now know that he takes a morning and an afternoon nap! :)
This picture was taken August 8, 2009 and it is at 6:23 pm You can sort of see an open eye!
PLEASE keep Jeremiah in your prayers for his health and all. Every time I see him I want to get him home quicker and quicker! The doctors and therapist here are anxious too. I have it all lined up and when they see his pics and video's they can't wait to get their hands on him and work with him and such! :) PLEASE be in prayer for our fundraisers! We have a Bake Sale coming up here locally on August 29th! PRAYING it does really well! We are also working on some other ideas and praying we can find a grant that is actually still funded at this point. :)
Now for some pics of Panda Boy! :) We had a day at the park Saturday Morning with some friends here :)
My Exchange Student took this picture! When she was done I said did he smile and she said YES!!! Well, he didnt even look at the camera! lol he was distracted by other kids but its ok!
Look how big my little man is! He is climbing pretty good but you have to be CLOSE by just in case still! :)
Here we are at the top of the slide :)
This was his first time on a teeter totter! When he was ready to get off he just leaped off much to the surprise of US and the little girl on the other side! EEK! poor thing!
Weeeee down the slide with Daddy!
I LOVE this shot in the climbing tube! :) He thought that was the coolest thing!
coming out of the tube! He was just a jabberin! He is talking up a storm lately! :) So cute!

Me and Noah at Church Sunday! :)
Me and Noah at Church Sunday! :)
Bobby, Noah and I at Church this past Sunday! :) WOW! The difference 11 months makes huh! :)
The 4 of us! :) Noah would NOT smile for the person behind camera :(
Jeremiah my sweet frogie boy! Mama can't wait till YOU are in the family picture with us! I can't wait to stroke her face and touch that wild hair of yours that is so cute! Your Jei Jei has been calling you hawk because of your hair! :) We all love you soooo much sweetie pie! I would give just about anything to be able to come and just rock you and sing to you for even a little while! The day is going to come because we have a BIG GOD and I just KNOW He is working in ways you and I may never know to make this happen SOON! So as I begin my evening with your brother here at home and you are probably waking up and being fed there in Taiwan I send you my kisses in the wind my sweet angel boy!