March 23, 2019 Jeremiah went from my arms into the arms of Jesus 😠We are beyond shattered. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord. I said then and still say that to myself over and over.
My Frogie Boy beat every prediction given and way outlived his prognosis. We witnessed miracle upon miracle with him. It was devastating to realize this time he would not get his earthly miracle 😠He is forever 10 😠Thank you for all the love and support through the years if anyone is still following. I will share some pictures of recent months, final day and cemetery and a few from the funeral but not with him in them. Just the casket, the spray etc. Thank you for loving my sweet Frogie boy! He really was my little superman! Sadly Sepsis was his kryptonite. Sepsis was part of his very first battle medically as we brought him home and it was his final battle.
Funeral home made the picture. I need to get a frame for it at home.
Pallbearers were all children. So many children at the service. Children should not bury their friends ğŸ˜
The casket spray was perfect. All frogs of his. They are still at the grave. They are filthy but I can't remove them.
Day of service when we went back after they finished buriel.
Love these guys. Hate there will only be 2 guys in ever picture now.
Don't know what we are looking at. I have forgotten who took this. Somehow we are standing and made it through. This was at graveside.
Grave sometime later. It took till July before his actual marker got here.
Last picture before he died. We were singing with the radio Raise a Hallelujah.
One of the lowest blood pressures he had one night. I took a picture and sent it to his Daddy who was at home. He actually rallied back after this and by noon the next day the Dr thought he was going to beat the sepsis. And then things turned South and his belly became hard and distended and eventually it was discovered that is bowel was dying.
I so miss holding that hand.
The marker
My friend drew this from the description I gave that I wanted Jesus pulling him out of his wheelchair. The marker company etched her drawing on the market.
The other side of marker.
Entire marker. This marker was only possible because of the love and support shown to us from our Taiwan rocks family. This is a group of families who have adopted from Taiwan. They wanted to make sure I had a proper place to go and grieve when I visited Jeremiah's grave and their gifts financially made sure that it happened.
I know the stuffed frogs look bad. I can't remove them.
Miss that smile
Sweet brothers
I so so miss school days with these two.
That smile!
His smile lit the room! I so miss it!
At hospital.a friend took this and the next one.
At hospital. Bobby or I held his had 24/7 . I always stayed with Jeremiah 24/7 every hospital stay but Daddy would have to go home or work. Nobody went home after the surgery discovered the bowels were dying. We had a few days of a 5% chance that the bowels could regenerate by being left outside the body and the pressure removed. We were so prayerful he would get an Earthly miracle but continued to say the entire time.. even still we will praise Him.
Precious boy
After years of waiting and over a year of the ventilator program requesting emergency consideration after the trach and him growing so much taller and heavier shortly before he passed away we finally got a transfer chair and a wheelchair lift for the van. He was only able to use it a few times.
I can't get enough of his smile.
He had such Joy in the midst of so much he battled.
In the special needs swing at Shekinah Academy at rhythms of Grace special needs service.
10th birthday. He would have been 11. March 29th. Forever 10.
It was such a huge milestone that he had made 10 years! I remember in the months leading up to his 10th birthday I talked about wanting a separate party for him a big celebration that he had beat all the odds and he'd made it ten 10 years. Little did I know that would be his final birthday party.
The world is a much better place because Jeremiah Harold Sisemore lived! I am forever changed because the Lord gifted me with the right to be called his mama! Please please keep our family in prayer.
From before Noah came home I used to sign out on my blog with blowing you kisses in the Wind as I would blow them to my babies waiting for me in Taiwan. I did it all the way through Jeremiah's adoption as well. So as I was getting ready to hit publish tonight it came to my mind how I used to end my posts. I am totally bawling as I say Jeremiah, I love you and Mama is blowing you kisses in the Wind!